We tried to do everything possible to provide you with all the tools you'll need to have conversations with your family, friends, and colleagues about welcoming newcomers into our communities and hearts.
If something's missing, please let us know!
This one packet has all you need to know about how-to plan and host an intimate house meeting for your friends, family, and colleagues to discuss issues related to refugee resettlement...and how you all can help. Includes a sign-up sheet for your guests.
You can print and fold these short, shareable one-page brochures for both your guests during your community conversation, or to introduce anyone to the Newcomer Life project.
Print out a copy of this sign-in sheet and follow the instructions to allow your guests to add their names to help us make create a base of informed voters who want policies that reflect a more welcoming America.
Guides to help you prepare
So you want to host a conversation, but not sure how to steer the conversation? Prepare your welcome and introduction, and think about how you’ll frame the issue of immigration and refugee resettlement using this handy bonus guide.
As a host kicking off a community conversation, check out (or print out) these ideas for fun icebreaker activities that can start things by building trust, and make your guests warm up and feel welcome to share more together.
Bonus handouts to print out for your guests
Guests may want to explore one idea to do as a group, which would be a wonderful way to continue to build community after a conversation. Print out this 2-page list of up-to-date action steps at varying levels of commitment for your guests to sign up for. We’ve created a variety of options, from the simple to the more profound.
Many of your guests may not have thought or heard much about refugee crises around the globe. We prepared a short "Frequently Asked Questions" handout for you to read ahead of time so you can help address their questions and concerns.